August 17, 2009

Project success!

In an effort to be more efficient and productive, Joe and I recently sat down and made a list of projects. This list included the many projects we already have underway as well as those we'd like to accomplish in the near future. ("Build a house" did not make it onto the list. We were attempting to be realistic.) We further organized the list by deciding whether each project was high, medium or low priority. I am very happy to say that we crossed our first project, kitchen shelves, off the list today! Granted, it was a "low priority" project, but it was one of the easiest and most attainable. I wish I had taken a "before" picture so you could see what a huge improvement this is over the previous system, which was meant to be temporary and ended up lasting two years. These shelves were all built from 2" x 12" lumber scraps salvaged from a construction site. Deciding to whole-heartedly embrace the "rustic" look opens up so many opportunities. :)

I like to call this next photo "Pepper Peeper". I went to do some harvesting for dinner and found this little guy, a shy spring peeper, hiding out between two peppers.

One last note - I just uploaded a website I built (re-built anyway) for my sister Lynn. Check it out: Point of Light Studios

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