May 07, 2012

Mystery wildflower

I almost weedeated this flower in my yard the other day. I've never seen anything like it. I haven't been able to find it in any of my wildflower field guides. It looks very columbine-y, and I'm thinking it might be in the Ranunculaceae (buttercup) family. Anyone got any ideas?? I've scoured the internet for a similar photo, but no look yet. After it is done flowering I intend to transplant it to a safer, weedeater proof location.


canningmama said...

gorgeous! i recognize the leaves. the leaves look very columbine-ish. i hate looking for flowers online. it's nearly impossible for me to locate a flower online.

canningmama said...

Perhaps you should contact this gal: She's a fellow NRVBA member who lives in Bland? Co. She may know what it is.