March 18, 2009

Yesterday was Saint Patrick's day, and in honor of the holiday, the world turned green! (Must not have wanted to get pinched.) We have just finished up with four straight days of rain. It was some of the most delightful rainy weather I've had in a long time. We took full advantage of the rain as an excuse to do almost nothing. In fact, I think there was one day I never really changed out of my pajamas. I just read and wrote letters (the old-fashioned way) all day, and enjoyed every minute of it. But NOW! The sun is out, the sky is blue, and the world did indeed turn green overnight. As even more proof that spring IS just around the corner, the birds are singing their hearts out. It's a small chorus right now, consisting only of the brave over-winterers and the super early spring arrivals (I heard a field sparrow this morning!), but they are making up for their low numbers with increased gusto. I was even inspired to scrub the hummingbird feeder clean, but I'm not sure if I should put it up yet or not.

Lily and Wilson didn't let the rainy weather slow them down much, which is totally out of character for Wilson. I think all the talk about economic crisis (we've tried to shield them, but word gets around anyway) has motivated them to take their security into their own hands. They've stashed away enough deer carcass parts to ensure their survival for months! Wilson is definitely the saver, while Lily is more of a "spend it while you've got it" mentality. Wilson, being the older and wiser dog that he is, usually wins out. For instance, I gave them each a rawhide for entertainment the other day. Wilson took his outside immediately to bury in the woods. Lily was happily chewing away on hers, but she allowed something else to distract her for a moment. Wilson seized the opportunity and buried hers as well. She may cry now, but she'll thank him for it later when times get really tough.

In our own, less grisly, form of future security, we have planted all of our seeds in the green house and are excitedly awaiting those first little green leaves. Joe also planted some greens in the garden. I'm finding it hard to be patient as I'm already anticipating the delicious harvest in days to come. I wish it were berry season already!


canningmama said...

Berries; ah yes.. I wish strawberries grew in abundance in the wild like blackberries do. then i would truly be a totally content human bean.

missamandabeth said...

Oh, but they do, remember? ;)