September 12, 2010

This has been an amazingly beautiful, delightfully unproductive Sunday. A few times I have felt tempted to be guilty about being unproductive, but I've decided to fully embrace it. But, just to pacify that little bit of me that still feels guilty, here's a few photos of all of the productivity of the past week.

Joe ricing the cooked apples. I think he was singing a song about applesauce.

The chickens were waiting patiently and mischievously for us to drop our guard so they could sneak in and try to grab some apples.

I love outdoor canning! Keep all that mess outdoors.

Putting the outdoor kitchen to good use, running two full canners and getting ready to bake as well.

In addition to applesauce, Joe baked four beautiful and DELICIOUS apple pies, several of which went as thank you gifts to the suppliers of our apples.

Our onion crop drying from the rafters in the outdoor kitchen.

1 comment:

canningmama said...

Ugh. Insanely jealous. You are not my sister. When do I get invited to an outdoor canning day? You know, I might could figure it out to come without the kids except that I won't be able to next year, so I'd like to reserve a child free outdoor canning day for sometime in 2012. :) Oh, and I'd have beautiful onions like that except that you know what happened to them. :)