January 11, 2009

A Touch of Cabin Fever

It's a gray day, threatening rain but not following through. This is actually perfect since Joe and I are both feeling a little bit under the weather. As nice as it has been to lay around and watch movies all day, I'm feeling a tad restless. This could turn out to be lucky for Wilson as it means I might take him for another walk. Good thing we also have a large pot of "accidental" black-eyed pea soup on hand. I was trying out our new pressure cooker yesterday. I put the amount of water they said, but I ended up with soup. Oh well, throw in a few veggie bouillion cubes and have at it. Joe really liked it, so I'm happy. I need to confer with my mother on the fine art of pressure cooking, especially beans.I'm excited to incorporate more beans into our diet. It was a staple of my family growing up, and I do miss them.

Maybe I'll rethink that walk with Wilson. We just heard what sounded like several gunshots very close. Seconds later Wilson and Foxy (who had been sleeping in the living room) came running into the room looking like kids during a thunderstorm. Hmmm...

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