February 09, 2009

Sailing memories

The past couple of days in Va Beach have been warm and sunny. The perfect weather for sharing a few "blast from the past" photos of our sailing adventures that we unearthed on Joe's old computer.

Joe, the bearded sailor

Joe was mugged by a monkey in the Canary Islands

Hey, you can't sail around the Caribbean for two months and NOT get cornrows! :)

At one point the boat went far off course and Joe ended up on the moon. Actually , I think this is the Canary Islands?

We now return to our regularly scheduled programming.


Emma bean said...

I like the elephant ears.

canningmama said...

awww, what cute pictures. i don't ever remember seeing those. what a life. can i go there? i mean really, don't you escape every last trouble you have when sailing in the wild blue?