December 21, 2009

Everyone keeps saying what good conditions the roads are in, but that doesn't do us much good when there is still 1/2 mile of 16-inch snow between our car and the plowed roads. We did attempt to make an escape this morning, but our poor little Subaru didn't go far before it was up to its ears in snow again.

We spent the day yesterday baking up a storm. Cookies, cookies and more cookies! At least now we've got plenty of cookies to eat while we think up ways to ward off cabin fever. Around 9 o'clock last night, Joe came up with the bright idea of naked snow angels. I somehow let him convince me it would be fun, although I was screaming "I don't want to do this!" as I ran off the porch, dove into the front yard, and still screaming back inside. As we shivered and dripped snow puddles on the floor, Joe said "Now THAT'S a blog post!" I'm thinking this snow better melt soon.


canningmama said...

Aaron did the same thing last night, except he just went rolling. He thinks I'm too chicken...he just might be surprised though. : ) I would never do it where I couldn't then jump in a hot shower. You're the woman.

missamandabeth said...

Joe did it first and then did it a second time after he convinced me to. I mostly went rolling also, more like a nose dive and then back up as fast as possible! You should do it, after dark of course. :)