May 28, 2010


I saw a whippoorwill last night! Joe and I were coming home from a contradance when we saw a strange bird sitting in the middle of our driveway, right in the headlight beams. We stopped to watch it, and it miraculously stayed put and continued to sing his whip-poor-will song over and over again!! I LOVE hearing all of the whippoorwills on summer nights, but I never actually expected to get to see one up close.

As if the whippoorwill sighting wasn't exciting enough, today I saw a frog hanging out in my pond!!! I KNEW that if I built it, they would come, and they did!! Now I'm just waiting for Mr. Leopard Frog to bring home his wife and start filling that pond with babies!

Warning: The following photo has been known to cause lettuce envy amongst those who view it.

1 comment:

canningmama said...

serious lettuce envy. i hate you.