April 23, 2011

Weekend goals

It's been a busy week of strenuous farm work and helping my sister pack for her impending move to Alaska. But, I'm setting aside some home-time, and my goal for the weekend is to get these tomato seedlings into bigger pots so they can quickly grow into big strong tomato plants!! I love greenhousing.

My rosemary bush in bloom.


Anonymous said...

Wow, your tomato plants look so much better than mine! Mine are still itty bitty little seedlings. Any suggestions to get these suckers growing? :P

missamandabeth said...

Hmm, what do you have them growing in? I have found that tomatoes will quickly grow to fill the size pot they are in, so I always try to give them the biggest pots I can as soon as I can. I grow them in a standard potting mix, but I find they need some fertilizer every once in a while to really get them going. I either mix up a batch of "compost tea" (or manure tea, if I have any cow manure), or I've also just used organic Miracle Gro. Having a greenhouse also really helps, lots of warmth and sunshine. If your's don't do so well, I'll probably have extras you're welcome to have. (I've got 80+ at the moment. :)