May 04, 2011

Catchin' up

What a crazy busy few weeks! As of this writing, though, my sister is officially married and U-Haulin' it to Alaska with her new husband, and my boss and his farm hosted a very successful square dance calling workshop weekend/dance party attended by over 50 people. My job descriptions for the first major event included bridesmaid and lead-packer, and farm beautification manager (aka head bush-hogger) for the latter. Plus, for 11 of the days leading up to these events, Joe was serving at a Vippassana meditation course, which put me solely in charge of our little universe as well. I have certainly earned myself some guilt free hammock time, but the weather today has taken a turn for the cooler, so I think I'll pass.

Maybe after I've had a day or two to catch my breath, I'll pilfer some wedding pictures from my friend, and fellow bridesmaid, to post on here.

Meanwhile, overnight it seems, the trees are all leafed out, the grass is growing a mile-a-minute, the birds are all back..but still no tadpoles in my pond. :( The switch from winter to spring means a shift in our daily living patterns which I'm finding myself slower at adapting to this year. The perks of winter, which are now over, include free refrigeration courtesy of Mother Nature, hot water on demand from the woodstove, and a relaxed work schedule. Now that it is warm weather, though, we are enjoying the convenience of H2O in its liquid form, no thawing or ice breaking necessary; no more coats, scarves and hats everywhere nor buckets of water taking up valuable floorspace; and homegrown salads everyday! But, and especially after the last couple of weeks, I'm already needing a vacation.

This past Sunday we were pleased to host, if only for an hour or so, my grandparents, two great aunts and one great uncle, two aunts, one uncle and one cousin from GA who stopped in on their way back down south after the wedding. It was a lot of fun to show off our place, which I think there were many misconceptions about (my grandmother had this idea we slept in bunkbeds and didn't have light switches). My aunts and uncle, who have been on multiple mission trips to Africa, were excited to see the correlations between our lifestyle and that of the communities they had visited in Africa - we even had guineas running around! :) They were all very impressed with the beauty and non-offensiveness of the World's Nicest Outhouse, all except my cousin who let the term "outhouse" keep her from even going near it. (Maybe we should call it the "World's Nicest Freestanding Organic Sanitary Facility")

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