May 14, 2011

Random farm photos

Raindrops on lambsquarter, a common, edible weed - delicious and nutritious! This particular example is a hybridized version of the wild variety and a cultivated variety we planted in our garden several years ago, known as "Magenta Spreen".

A paw paw flower.

The birds have assembled and are patiently waiting for me to stop taking pictures of paw paw flowers and give them their scratch grains.

Miss Peeps, the goofy Salmon Favorelle hen. She's an avid eater of pansies, but she's so darn cute I can't get too mad at her for it.


canningmama said...

aww, your top two pics didn't come up on your random farm pics post. other than that, love the update!

missamandabeth said...

Try it now. Blogger was doing something weird. It told me it was going to post this post three times! When I tried to delete the duplicates, it apparently deleted the pictures too.