June 09, 2009

Hot Hot Hot!

It's days like these that make me really happy I rode the moped to work. It has been a very productive, but hot and sweaty, day at the farm. I'll never understand how time flies when I'm working at home but seems to crawl when I'm doing the same work only somewhere else. I am looking very forward to the moped ride home, though. Of course, mopeding means Lily and Wilson have to stay at home. This is a picture of them patiently awaiting my return. ;)

Joe is on the bus to Massachusetts right now for a 10-day silent meditation course. He'll be gone a total of two weeks, but we will get to talk during his LONG bus ride there and back. Sure will miss him!

This blog post would be far more interesting and inspiring except that the sun exposure has bleached away some of my intelligence. I'm thinking the moped ride and a long bout in the hammock should restore my mental faculties.

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